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Grand Opening/ Congratulatory Flower Basket Greetings

Grand Opening/ Congratulatory Flower Basket Greetings

by Julie
posted: 2018-09-13 16:30:00 +0800

When friends or business partners of us open a new store or attend a performance event, many of us will choose to send them a flower basket gift to express our best wishes and hope that everything goes well. Apart from a nice grand opening flower basket gift, the congratulatory message on the gift card is also an essential part of the whole flower gift.

How to write the grand opening congratulatory messages?

Grand opening flower gift card is made up of 3 elements; they are the heading, the congratulatory message and the ending. The heading can be the name of the recipient, the name of the company or the name of the store; the congratulatory messages are the gift sender’s sincere wishes for the recipients; and the ending is the name of the representing company, the store or the association, etc.

Different congratulatory flower basket greetings for different occasions

Different gift-giving occasions have different grand opening flower basket greetings, for example, the opening of new stores, the opening of the restaurant, the grand opening of the company and the celebration of a ceremony, etc. The selections of the opening flower baskets are not the same. Here are some common congratulatory messages/best wishes for the flower basket gift cards.

Flower Basket Greeting Message Samples

No.1 Grand Opening Flower Basket Greetings

1. 財源廣進,生意興隆。

2. 開張大吉,生意紅火。

3. 開張大吉,財源廣進。

4. 大展宏圖,鴻運高照。

5. 財源滾滾,如日中天。

6. 馬到功成,財源廣進。

7. 永隆大業,昌裕後人。

8. 敬賀開張,並祝吉祥。

9. 開業之喜,生意興旺。

10. 賓客如雲,福開新運。

11. 雄心創大業,壯志寫春秋。

12. 大業開鵬舉,東風啟壯圖。

13. 淩霄揮巨手;立地起高樓。

14. 昌期開景運;泰象啟陽春。

15. 友以義交情可久,財從道取利方長。

16. 朋友,祝事業越辦越紅火!大展宏圖。

17. 值此開業慶典之際,祝開業大吉,祝開業慶典圓滿成功。

18. 願你的生意,高朋滿座,生意興隆,廣聚天下客,一攬八方財。

19. 值此開業慶祝开业大吉大利,生意兴隆红似火,财源广进如泉涌!

20. 幽香拂面,紫氣兆祥,慶開業典禮,祝生意如春濃,財源似水來!

The above 20 grand opening flower basket congratulatory messages are applicable to the new company opening, new restaurant opening ceremony and business event functions.

No.2 Stage Performance congratulatory flower stand greetings

1. 演出成功,出類拔萃。

2. 演藝精湛,大顯身手。

3. 揚威各地,前程萬里。

4. 繞樑三日,技藝高超。

5. 聲色俱佳,藝壇精英。

6. 賞心悅目,舞步超群。

7. 珠落玉盤,歌聲繞梁。

8. 演出非凡,演出成功。

9. 蜚聲國際,盛景可期。

10. Good Show!

For more information about the exquisite flower baskets, please visit the Grand Opening / Congratulatory Flower Stands page.







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